Gemstones are worn to ward off the negative influences of planets as their vibrations corresponds to unique planets. Astrology finds out the suitable gems/stones for a person through astrological calculations that ensure overall growth and well being. Accurate stones along with their correct weight and wearing method are mandatory to arouse the desired qualities of a person that ensure success. This accuracy depends largely on the astrologer’s sharp observation and experience.
We prescribe gems and stones that strengthen or accelerate the desired results of a person.
In addition, we also provide all types of gemstones.
Hessonite – Gomed Gemstone color is like Cow’s urine. It is a Gemstone used to ward off the evil influence or Rahu. It can be used to great advantage for ailments such as wind and acidity. It helps the wearer with regard to professional advancement of finance, health and happiness and
it deters enemies from hatching plots against the wearer. This Gemstone helps the wearer to win court cases. It is a recommended stone for those
engaged in legal professions such as advocates, legal practitioners, Judges act. It should be worn by one and all, who may be interested in spiritual advancements, particularly during the Rahu dasha.

Coral is a precious Gemstone of bright red color and it comes in lighter shades too. Coral Gemstone flourish at the hollow of the seas. An opaque
Gemstone is most effective for female or male for radiation powerful emotions through absorption of red radiation from visible light spectrum.
Through use of this gemstone in gold several diseases can be warded off, particularly tropical fevers, chicken pox, jaundice, fistula, impotency and
ailments pertaining to blood. Particularly impure blood. Its use is also most effective in healing ailments like anemia, general debility, weakness, lassitude, body pain , allergies, inflammations, cough and cold, bronchitis, pneumonia act.

Ruby is the most costly Gemstone worn for Sun, emitting red cosmic ryes and infa-red radiation, makes and gives the subject active, smart, bestows
high honour and social esteem, freedom from sight problems and eye defects/ailments. This Gemstone rules over bones, headaches, indigestion, fevers and colic. In short, the wearer will be generally favoured with good health, position and prestige, particularly making him/he free from any serious abnormalities or disease. Gem therapists, sculptors, artists, engineers, architects, legal experts, high court judges can wear Ruby Gemstone with a great advantage

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone as its name implies, it is Gemstone of light Yellow Color. It is an expensive stone and denotes righteousness, piety
and truthfulness of the wearers. Its communed for economic prosperity and comforts and is particularly good for those engaged in business or
industry. Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is particularly good for those desirous to be blessed with children, or those interested in nobler
aspects of life and in the occult, charity, spiritual motivation, yoga meditation and religious preaching.

Diamond is the Gemstone of white color. Diamond Gemstone is good for all around financial prosperity and happiness. By wearing this Gemstone
the wearer will be known for his systematic, methodical and upright approach to the problems of life. He would also exhibit wisdom and maturity in their dealings, relationship and people would repose confidence in them. But the wearer must check on their ego problems and should not be unnecessarily critical of others, particularly their loved ones.

Emerald is a precious Gemstone of green color. It is also known as Panna Gemstone. It is worn for Mercury and allowed cold green radiation to be absorbed by the wearer enabling him to have perfect control of nervous and intestinal portions, liver, tissues, lunges, vocal cord, tongue and nervous system. Emerald Gemstone specially recommended for business men, writers, printers, publishers, dealers of scientific instruments. This
Gemstone is also useful for any ailment connected with these functions, defect in recalling, stammering, harshness in voice, students having week IQ and for women in delivery bed
fearing complications.

Cat’s Eye is believed to nullify the effects of rahu and ketu upon human. Cat’s eye stone or lehsunia stone restores excellent healing properties that will guard a person against ghosts and evil eyes. Cat’s eye stone have amazing health benefits. lehsunia gemstone combats against several serious diseases related to heart, stomach, brain and mind. This gemstone redeems individual from worldly desires and enlighten the path of spirituality for him/her.

Pearl is a wide shining Gemstone in several varieties of shellfish. Pearls coming from Basrah and Gulf countries and Mediterranean region are of
pure quality and highly beneficial, particularly in reducing tensions, stomach ailments and marital discards, If this Gemstone is worn by the ladies on neck, it will preserve their chastity. This Gemstone influence over heart, blood and mind is considerable. It increases the self-confidence of the wearer and enhances his/her mental faculties, promotes and builds cordial working atmosphere around him or her.

Each and every person wants to settle themselves in life with business income and want some stable business for fix income to best future of
their family.Business is not very easy to do and it is not suitable for all so there is need to cross check with astrology about their horoscope and
supporting business like the business you are going to do or already you are running any business but you are not getting profit in that ,in that
case it may be possible you stars are not supporting you so please do not worry just visit us or call us once for solution of this problem, we are here to help you.